Grrrr!  Argh! Peck! Kill!

Cockfight. Yeah, just saying the word makes all Sacramentans thirsty for a can of Pabst and a fistful of cheap love. Welcome to the Central Valley. It's hot here in the methamphetamine capitol of the world. Heat makes for strange things, and everyone loves a good cockfight.

Sadly, due to the questionable legality, I felt forced to change the names of the cockfighters. It's not questionable that as a blood sport cockfighting's illegal in 44 states, but the statute of limitations is questionable. Well, it was illegal in 44 states when we went, but now, a couple years later, it's 47 (still legal in Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico!). I'm gonna change the name of the cockfighter to Alex, after a PETA co-founder, and I'll call his friend Pacheco, Alex's last name. The cockfighters would love that as much as Mr. Pacheco.

Two roosters died in the making of this web page.

1: "It's so pretty, too bad it has to die" Pictures and text.

2: "Waterford bitches are easy" No pictures. Just how I scrawled it before passing out after the fight.

Cock links

Why Cockfight

Message Board



take me home
Evil Genius
Am I the 2nd Coming or are you just happy to see me?
